With homeschooling growing rapidly, many families are looking for ways to transition out of public, charter, and even private schools. Whether your goal is to provide a better environment for your kids, have more control over what they’re learning, or just take time to work on your connection, if you want to know how start […]
Homeschooling Schedules: What’s Realistic and What’s Not?
Whether you’re a family new to homeschooling due to COVID or you’ve been homeschooling for a bit, you’ve likely already figured out that creating your own homeschooling schedule can be a process of trial and error. You’re trying to configure out when you should do academics, how you should do them (indoor? outdoor?), which curricula […]
Home Management + Homeschooling: 10 Strategic & Stress-Free Tips for Managing Everything
“How do I homeschool and manage the home?” This is definitely one of the most-asked questions by homeschool moms. We homeschool moms know that our list of responsibilities is potentially endless, and we need a way to not get swallowed, stressed out, and completely overwhelmed by it all. All homeschool moms need their own strategic, […]
7 Easy Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Children at the Same Time
If you have multiple children and you’ve been in the homeschooling/home managing game for any amount of time, you understand the challenge of trying to homeschool your children at the same time. If you’re really struggling, or who are new this year to the homeschooling scene due to COVID-19, I pray that the tips I […]
A Typical Day in My Life as a Homeschooling/Work at Home Mom (of Four Kids)
I don’t know about you, but I really like “day in the life” blog posts and videos. I’m not only encouraged by the real day-to-day events and challenges that others face, but I’m also able to glean ideas to add to or alter what I already do. Since I’m a homeschooling/work at home mama with […]